Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency
Modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Tareas para Mejorar la Competencia Lectora
Viviana Nagua-Andrango
, Carmen Nato-Sierra
, Enrique Rosero-Olalla
, Carlos
, Maritza Flores-Hidalgo
Instituto Superior Universitario Sucre, Centro de Idiomas, vnagua@tecnologosucre.edu.ec, Quito,
Instituto Superior Universitario Sucre, Centro de Idiomas, enato@tecnologicosucre.edu.ec Quito,
Ecuador enato@tecnologicosucre.edu.ec
Instituto Superior Universitario Sucre, Centro de Idiomas, crosero@tecnologicosucre.edu.ec, Quito,
Instituto Tecnológico Universitario Vida Nueva, carlos.ruiz@istvidanueva.edu.ec, Quito, Ecuador
Instituto Superior Universitario Sucre, Centro de Idiomas, fmaritzadaniela@gmail.com, Quito, Ecua-
Autor para correspondencia: vnagua@tecnologosucre.edu.ec
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of Task-Based Learning model
on the development of reading competence among A2-level English learners in virtual classes.
The study was conducted with a sample of 36 students from a Language Center in Quito, selec-
ted through convenience sampling. Employing a quasi - experimental design, the participants
were divided into two groups, an intervention group and an observation group. The intervention
group underwent ten reading lessons designed using the TBL approach, while the observation
group followed the conventional teaching methodology. To measure the outcomes, pretest and
posttest were administered; and the data were analyzed using the independent t-test to deter-
mine the eectiveness of the intervention. The ndings revealed that, after the intervention,
the group exposed to the TBL method achieved signicantly higher scores compared to the
observation group. These results, indicate that the TBL model has positive eects on enhancing
reading competence in English learners within virtual learning environments.
Key words: TBL, reading competence, quasi-experimental, independent t-test, virtual classes.
El propósito del presente estudio fue investigar el impacto del modelo de Aprendizaje Basado
en Tareas en el desarrollo de la competencia lectora entre estudiantes del nivel A2 de inglés en
clases virtuales. El estudio fue conducido con una muestra de 36 estudiantes de un Centro de
Idiomas de Quito, seleccionados mediante el muestreo por conveniencia. Empleando el diseño
cuasi-experimental, los participantes fueron divididos en dos grupos, un grupo de intervención
y un grupo de observación. El grupo de intervención fue aplicado diez lecciones de lectura en-
focadas en el modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Tareas, mientras que el grupo de observación
siguió la metodología de enseñanza convencional. Para medir los objetivos, se administraron el
pretest y el posttest; y los datos se analizaron utilizando la prueba t-independiente para deter-
minar la efectividad de la intervención. Los hallazgos revelaron que después de intervención,
el grupo expuesto al método TBL alcanzaron puntajes signicativamente más altos comparado
con el grupo de observación. Estos resultados indican que el modelo TBL tiene efectos positi-
vos en la mejora de la competencia lectora en estudiantes de inglés en entornos de aprendizaje
Palabras clave: TBL, competencia lectora, cuasiexperimental, prueba independiente, ambientes vir-
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
The foreign language learning process includes developing of linguistics skills that pro-vide to
learners the opportunity to communicate in an eective way; these skills are commonly known
as the macro language competencies which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All of
them play an important role in the communication process, however, the practice of some of
them inuence on the domine of the other ones. Thus, through the reading and listening practi-
ce, learners can improve their speaking and writing skills (Miyazaki, 2019).
Referring to reading prociency, this inuences on student’s writing process, according to(OC-
DE. & Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa (España), 2020) learners who do not read
have diculties to produce written text well-structured, short as sentences, paragraphs, or long
as summaries, essays, and more. Besides, they are not able to recognize vocabulary easily. Prac-
ticing reading allows students to increase their lexicon, review structures and avoid misspelling.
Reading is to interact with the language; readers receive the linguistic corpus through texts,
which is processed in our brain and then reexed orally or in written form. However, to achie-
ve eective reading, readers must use their background language because the process of text
comprehension is recursive, readers who are not able to recognize words in a text are not able
to generate understanding. Hence the importance of selecting text familiars to us as readers
(Nagua, 2023).
Including reading to the process of class is not commonly seen, most teachers prefer center
in grammar, repeat structures and patterns which represent the traditional teaching method.
Being the teaching method the procedure that, in concordance with the planning, is the way of
teachers make students learn, this constitutes an essential tool in the classroom (Kuamr, 2022).
That is why in this paper, the Task-Based Learning model is presented as a dynamic way to
develop reading skills. The method, proposed by Willis in 1996, us allows be on contact with
the L2 by activities competition; teachers who function the role of monitors, provide learners
task-based text to they improve reading prociency while are in contact with the language, thus,
learners’ pro-duce their own knowledge.
Willis (1996), stablished the next process to this teaching model.
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
Figure 1: Task-Based Learning model
Source: (Willis, 1996)t
For developing reading prociency, Willis in 1996 proposed Task-Based Text which are tasks
that focuses on text comprehension. These tasks are designed following the next six reading
Figure 2: Task-Based Text, six reading strategies
Source: (Willis, 1996)
Around of this topic have surged some studies that have been useful to support this methodolo-
gy. Following a quasi-experiemnatl design, the studies cited by (Nagua, 2023) were conducted
in 2017, 2015, and 2021. In this studies the TBL was applied for developing reading skills
on English learners; they divided the groups into an intervention group taught by means of
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
the method proposed and an observation group taught by means of the conventional teaching
approach; applied a pretest and posttest, and used the statistical process to for data analysis; at
the end, the authors concluded that this teaching methodology has positive eects on the deve-
lopment of the reading competence.
Thus, we conducted applied research that abords this thematic, and through this paper, we will
present the procedure, ndings and results of that study, reason why, this paper serves a contri-
bution for the teaching and learning of a foreign language; being useful for future research and
the take of decisions that promote the learning environments eective (Nagua, 2023).
The research was applied to A2 English level students of the Language Center of Instituto Su-
perior Universitario Sucre during the academic period November - April 2021. By convenience
sampling, the courses of the A2 level class “A” and class “C” were adware as subjects of study;
in total were 36 students (Nagua, 2023).
This selection process was possible because this level and classes were assigned to the re-
searcher according to the institutional microplanning. These groups of study were conformed
for women and men whose edges were from 19 to 40 years old; they lived in Quito and had
minimal conditions to receive online classes, such as internet access, computers, and digital
material (Nagua, 2023).
Being that the participants were not selected by randomization, the quasi- experimental design
was the most appropriate route to conduct this study. Two groups were analyzed, the interven-
tion group (class A – 18 students) and observations group (class C - 18 students). These kinds of
studies determine results based on the variables’ interaction and allows the groups comparison
(Creswell, 2012) (Nagua, 2023).
In this sense, the proposed method was applied on the intervention group to improve reading
prociency, while the observation group was taught through of the conventional methodology
for teaching English.
Pretest and posttest were the data collection instruments, these allowed to measure the eects
of the method by numerical procedures, so that clarify the hypotheses; considering this, the ap-
proach of this study was quantitative. This kind of approach is eective to quantify events and
prove hypotheses (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza, 2018) (Nagua, 2023).
These instruments were taken from A2 level Cambridge Assessment which comply with pa-
rameters of evaluation. The pretest was applied before applying the method and the posttest was
applied after; both were applied on the intervention and observation groups.
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
Table 1. Quasi-experimental Designs
Subjects Pretest Method Posttest
Source: (Adapted from Informe de Investigación: Task-Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Procien-
cy. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Dirección de postgrado Maestría de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza
del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera by Viviana Nagua, 2023, p. 32) (Nagua, 2023).
The intervention process was characterized for sequential activities that granted the investigator
conduct the study much better. That is how, after analyzing how the Task-Based Learning mo-
del functions, designed gradually ten reading lesson plans; it means, rst plan and then apply
(planning + application + planning + application).
These reading lessons were developed following the six reading strategies (memory challenge,
prediction, jumbles, restoration, comparison, jigsaw) and the stages of the Task-Based Learning
model proposed by Willis in 1996, in his book “A framework for Task-Based Learning”.
The academic program of the A2 level contemplated ve units of study, for this reason two
reading strategies were applied per unit; the didactic material was the Top Toch 2 digital book
3rd Edition of the Pearson Company. In the chart below, we will see an extract of the reading
lesson plans applied.
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
Table 2. Reading Lesson plans
Lesson / Stra-
Getting Acquainted
The instructions for the task following the strategy are na-
med by the teacher:
- Read a text for about 5 minutes and keep in the mind as
many details as it can.
- Analyze the headlines and observe the picture shown.
- Look at the sections in wrong order of text. Think about it.
- Identify the missing words of the text in the chart. Think
about it.
- Read the description of hotels. Imaging how they look.
Teacher makes groups and, following the strategy, can ask:
- Write the information you remember on a piece of paper:
names, phrases, events, etc.
- According to you, the text refers to….
- Discuss the better order of words or paragraphs.
- Identify the location of the missing words.
- Discuss the dierences between texts.
- Read the assigned text, answer the questions related to it.
The teacher asks students to prepare a report in a collaborati-
ve document, where it shows the solving task.
The teacher asks groups to expose the report about reading.
Students compare the information.
Full exposure: Teacher shows students the initial reading.
The teacher asks: Identify words or phrases followed by
prepositions, the principal idea of text, words with similar
meaning. What is the function of the word … in the reading?
What is the synonym of ...? etc.
The teacher asks students to complete the activities related to
the reading, these can be true or false, match words or para-
graphs, ll in the blanks, etc.
Lesson 1
Memory Cha-
llenge Task
To deepen the content of a
text describing accurate de-
tails of it.
Lesson 2
Prediction Task
To predict what the text re-
fers based on headlines.
Going to the movies
Lesson 3
Strategy: Jum-
To arrange a reading using
Lesson 4
To organize a text in its co-
rrect form identifying and
using keywords.
Staying in hotels
Lesson 5
To deep the content of a
text to detect the dierences
among the hotels and make
Cars and driving
Lesson 6
Jigsaw Task
To describe a reassembled
text answering established
questions for better compre-
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
Source: (Adapted from Informe de Investigación: Task-Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Procien-
cy. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Dirección de postgrado Maestría de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza
del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera by Viviana Nagua, 2023, p. 72-97) (Nagua, 2023).
These reading lesson plans were applied to the intervention group in periods of online classes
of forty-ve minutes during almost two months, at the same time, the observation group was
applied the conventional English methodology.
Before applying the method, the pretest was applied to both groups, the intervention and obser-
vation ones, while the posttest was applied before applying the method. The results of both tests
were examined using the independent t-test to contrast the groups and determine whether there
were signicant dierences or not.
According to (Herreras, 2005), the SPSS V.25 program is a “tool of data processing and statisti-
cal analysis” cited by (Nagua, 2023). This program contains an independent t-test which allows
the data analysis quantitatively. By means of this mechanism it was established dierences
between the intervention and observation groups.
Through the t-test analysis, we obtained the score average from the data of the pre-test and
posttest, it means the mean (arithmetic) of both groups, experimental and control group. (Mi-
randa et al., 2006; Rendón Macías et al., 2016). Second, based on the comparisons of number
means be-tween experimental and control group, it was determined the level of signicance be-
tween the independent samples. “The student’s t test (also called T test) is used to compare the
means between two groups and there is no need for multiple comparisons as a unique P value
is observed” (Nagua, 2023; Prabhaker et al., 2019).
For establishing whether to reject the H0 was necessary to calculate the value of the indepen-
dent t-test, this value is obtained from the comparison of means of both groups. If this value is
< 0.05 the H0 is rejected otherwise if this value is > 0.05 the H0 is not rejected. This processing
has a Condence Interval of the Dierence of 95% (García et al., 2002; Nagua, 2023).
Table 3. Independent T-Test
Level of signicance
P value < 0.05 H0 not accepted
> 0.05 H0 accepted
Source: (Adapted from Informe de Investigación: Task-Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Procien-
cy. Universidad Tecnica de Cotopaxi, Direción de postgrado Maestría de Linguistica Aplicada a la Enseñanza
del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera by Viviana Nagua, 2023, p. 37) (Nagua, 2023).
For identifying the eects of the proposed method on the improvement of reading competence,
it analyzed the pretest and posttest’ results of the intervention and observation groups using the
independent t-test, the results obtained were the next:
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
Table 4. Mean of the pretest and posttest on the experimental and control group.
Group Statistics
Group Student`s Number Mean Dev. Error average
EG 18 12,89 1,060
CG 18 12,72 1,209
EG 18 20,72 0,921
CG 18 14,28 0,969
Source: Taken from Informe de Investigación: Task-Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency.
Universidad Tecnica de Cotopaxi, Direción de postgrado Maestría de Linguistica Aplicada a la Enseñanza del
Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera (Nagua, 2023).
Table 5. The independent t-test on the pretest of the experimental and control group.
Independent T-test
Levene’s Test for
Equality Vari-
T-test for Equality of Means
Sig. T DF Sig. 2
95% Condence Interval of
the Di.
ces as-
,286 ,596 ,104 34 ,918 ,167 1,608 -3,102 3,435
ces not
,104 33,425 ,918 ,167 1,608 -3,104 3,437
Source: (Adapted from Informe de Investigación: Task-Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Procien-
cy. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Dirección de postgrado Maestría de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza
del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera by Viviana Nagua, 2023, p. 39) (Nagua, 2023).
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
Table 6. The independent t-test on the posttest scores of the experimental and control group
Independent T-test
Levene’s Test for
Equality Variances
T-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. T DF Sig.
2 tailed
95% Condence
Interval of the Di.
Lower Upper
Equal varian-
ces assumed
,363 ,551 4,819 34 ,000 6,444 1,337 3,727 9,162
Equal varian-
ces not assu-
4,819 33,911 ,000 6,444 1,337 3,727 9,162
Source: (Adapted from Informe de Investigación: Task-Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Procien-
cy. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Dirección de postgrado Maestría de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza
del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera by Viviana Nagua, 2023, p. 40) (Nagua, 2023).
After analyzing the results, we can see in the table 4 that the scores from the pretest between the
groups of study had a standard value of 12; while the scores from the posttest showed a range
of the dierence of 6,44% between the intervention and observation groups.
From this, in the table 5, the data from the pretest do not represent a relevant dierence between
the groups of the study. According to the exposed data, the level of signicance was 0,918 (S.
2tailed) with a condence interval of 95%, which means > 0.05, and for determining the exis-
tence of signicant dierences between the groups of study the p-value must be < 0.05, in this
respect, it can say there was not any relevant dierence before applying the method (Nagua,
Although there was a minimum dierence of 0,17% between the means, this dierence was not
signicant. That is, both groups had the same level of reading comprehension before starting
the treatment (Nagua, 2023).
Nonetheless, when applying the independent t-test to the posttest of both groups, we observed,
in table 4, a dierence between the means of both groups. The intervention group had a mean of
20,72 with an average error of 0,921% contrasting with the mean of 14,28 with an average error
of 0,969% of the observation Group. The percentage dierence between the means was 6,44%.
The level of signicance between the means, in table 6 shows us that this value was 0,000 (S.
2tailed) with a condence interval of 95% (Nagua, 2023).
Based on the p-value of independent t-test, it needs to be < 0.05 to claim important variations
between the samples. Thus, the dierence of means of the intervention and observation groups
is relevant, for this reason the H1 was accepted.
It was conrmed the premise about the TBL method is an appropriate to develop reading skills
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui
Fecha de recepción: 14 / 11 / 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 04 / 12 / 2024
Fecha de publicación: 23 / 01 / 2025
Task - Based Learning Model for Improving Reading Prociency. pp. 174 - 183 / Volumen 6, número 1 /
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37431/conectividad.v6i1.214
in online settings since, through the meaningful tasks, the students are exposed to the English.
The lesson plans based on the TBL method, which contain Text-Based Tasks, are a practical
material to develop language skills, its application on the experimental group allowed us to
denote that this method is a satisfactory alternative to improve reading prociency.
Being that it was not possible to select the subjects of study by randomization, the quasi-expe-
rimental design was the most adequate design to conduct our research. That is how we guaran-
teed the correct application of the method.
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Nagua, V. (2023). Informe de Investigación: Task-Based Learning Model for Improving Read-
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de Linguistica Aplicada a la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés como Lengua Extranjera.
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